Manage everything from sourcing to renewal of vendors in one platform
It takes many different products to procure & manage vendors. Now your teams can do it all with EXPENT.

Trusted by Successful Businesses

Our Products
Your vendor’s lifecycle managed, from sourcing to renewals.
Expent makes every stage of the vendor lifecycle easier to manage
Helping you with your vendor selection process
Expent’s flexibility to run RFx or Proof of Concepts (PoC) makes vendor evaluation easy.
Expert-developed templates consider how vendors have been assessed by companies similar to your own, helping you make the easy choice.

Centralize Intake, track unmanaged spend & assist purchase approval
Centralize the initiation of vendor & purchase requests.
Sourcing & Procurement workflows that loops in the right stakeholders; security, IT, legal, finance & procurement automatically.

Assess, track & manage vendor risk
With AI, quickly assess your vendor’s security posture.
Manage & Analyze all your vendor risk from Expent’s Risk Register.
Remove never-ending back & forths during vendor assessments.

Visualize & track vendor performance with QBR’s + Usage Analytics
One-click Surveys lets you collect feedback from internal teams & vendors.
Visualize vendor performance with intuitive dashboards.

Manage all vendor contracts & invoices
Expent’s AI parses out key data fields from vendor contracts.
The data is stored in vendor records saving you time spent on combing through cumbersome documents.

Get notified & never miss out on renewals
Timely notifications helps you stay updated on upcoming vendor renewals/key contractual terms.
Now, you have more time to review your vendor’s performance and negotiate terms that’s best for your business.

Working across teams seamlessly
Without Expent
Procurement teams struggle to enforce spend controls and struggle to keep up with multiple requests. Procurement being looped in late in the process diminishes their ability to be strategic.

With Expent
Purchase approval workflows are now automated with data-driven procurement workflows

Without Expent
Security Teams have scarce resources and struggle to keep up with the number of vendor assessment requests resulting in them not being able to do a thorough defensible job of assessing the security posture of the vendors.
With Expent
Dynamic Intake + approval workflows simplify compliance while security teams can proactively focus on eliminating critical risks.

Without Expent
IT teams have to battle vendor sprawl, since vendor data is siloed, it’s hard to continually update and manage vendor data.

With Expent
IT teams can now analyse contract terms to categorize vendors based on their strategic value, with automation doing the task of updating vendor data, assessing risk and notifying about upcoming renewals

Without Expent
Inaccurate/Incomplete vendor data makes it difficult to effectively manage vendor relationships & track performances.
Due to inadequate communication with vendors, quality of vendor relationships are negatively impacted.

With Expent
With Expent, VMO teams have easy access to vendor communication and updated vendor records.

Without Expent
Longer sales cycles & follow ups

With Expent
Close sales faster, with lesser back and forths

Without Expent
Finance team lacks spend visibility & chase employees to adhere to budgets. Incomplete spend controls eventually lead to revenue leakage and makes room for vendor risk

With Expent
Intuitive workflows leads to seamless adoption of spend controls. The money stays in the business longer and finance teams can invest in what truly drives growth